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NEXCEL Visits Beijing Qin Tian Sci&Tech Group
Time: 2024/04/15  Publisher: oiginal  Views:

On April 12, 2023, NEXCEL team, accompanied by Prof. Li Haijian, NEXCEL Project Principal Investigator from China Building Materials Academy, paid a visit to Beijing Qin Tian Sci&Tech Group (BJQT) and exchanged views on the development progress of NEXCEL 2024 SFP Project 'Research and demonstration on snow and ice melting property of phase change energy storage asphalt mixture'. Mr. Jin Jiangtao, Vice President, and Mr. Wang Hai, Chief Engineer from BJQT attended the meeting.



During the meeting, Prof. Li Haijian and Mr. Jin Jiangtao, provided a detailed introduction on the construction of the production line for hydrocarbon-based phase change energy composite particles and the engineering demonstration plan for phase change energy storage asphalt mixtures. Mr. Jin Jiangtao pointed that the incorporation of phase change materials in concrete pavement effectively addresses the issue of snow and ice on highways during winter, reducing traffic accidents and losses. Dr. Li Juan, Program Director of NEXCEL, emphasized the importance of successful production and demonstration of phase change energy storage materials and the asphalt mixtures.
After meeting, NEXCEL team visited the production workshop and lab for phase change energy composite particles.