导语挪威复合材料工业再次产生重大国际影响,在卑尔根成功落成了Paradis大桥,这是一座42米长的由复合材料制成的桁架桥。该项目标志着复合【View Details】2024-10-11
IntroductionAfter testing, Shanghai Petrochemical’s new 12 mm large tow carbon fiber composite rebars were ins【View Details】2024-09-20
IntroductionThe ETA-certified composite rebar was applied to the bridge’s precast elements for a lightweight,【View Details】2024-08-28
China’s Changtai Yangtze river bridge to use the world’s largest carbon fibre composite cables【View Details】2024-07-29
Solico’s latest collaboration with long-term client Holland Composites (HC) represents a new milestone in the application of sustainable engineered composite structures in the architectural sector【View Details】2024-05-15
With the Texoversum, Reutlingen University has put into operation a training and innovation center for the textile industry that is unique in Europe【View Details】2024-04-23
Australian composites manufacturer offers a scalable building solution, already established in a pedestrian bridge application, to tackle unprocessedsoft plastics waste【View Details】2024-04-19
ZFCC facilitates the first large-scale application of 48K carbon fibre tie rod system in the Xiamen Xiang’an airport【View Details】2024-03-19
Annually, the JEC Composites Innovation Awards recognize successful initiatives and collaborative efforts within the composites industry【View Details】2024-03-14
IntroductionEngineers have added graphene oxide to cement mixture to make stronger 3D printed concrete that is eas【View Details】2023-12-07